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Week 1 has arrived!

Hello my friends. I think I've written this intro paragraph about 5 times now, trying to figure out what to say after my hiatus and the loss of our daughter, Caroline. But I have no idea what to tell you other than I am here, I am surviving, and I am attempting to channel my sorrow into something productive by getting back to blogging. I will be forever grateful for the support you all have shown me. If anyone is ever in a similar situation and wants someone to talk to, send them my way. I don't have the right words for this (who does?) but I have all the time in the world to listen and do what I can to help.

Do me a favor and when you get a chance, please hug your kiddos, spouse, parents, siblings (special thanks to my extraordinary sister for her love this week and always; she's a FF newbie this year, too, by the way), your best friend, your cat, your coworker, your bus driver, your favorite bartender, your UPS guy (we see him a LOT at our house), heck even your cup of coffee. Embrace it all. In the meantime, I will be saying Caroline's name over and over and over with abiding gratitude for the chance to meet her and love her. 

Now, it's time for football:


SCOOP said…
Welcome back - as the proud father of an 18-month old daughter, I can hardly begin to imagine the heaviness in your heart. But I certainly understand how therapeutic doing something you love can be.

Welcome back to the blogosphere, you were missed and definitely in my thoughts and prayers. Best of luck this season and always :-).
Anonymous said…
i'm so sorry for your loss. as a father, i know the great love your child gives to you as a parent. Caroline's time with you was short, though your love for her will last forever. she'll always be with you.
tonid said…
We keep a photo in our family room of the marker and lovely arrangement my mother-in-law made when our baby boy was laid to rest in 1995. For a recent AP art history class our daughter had to do a report on a piece of art in the house and it's signficance to the family - she chose that photo. 17 yrs later I was able to discuss it with her without tears. She has always known she is here because we lost him and knew what to do bring her to term. Our Stevie and your Caroline will never be forgotten and the pain will ease. Welcome back, but please take care to not overdo.
Tim said…
I am so deeply sorry for what you and your family are going through. Thank you for posting an update. I think it's great that you are back to doing what you are so good at and I hope that it helps you find peace.

Welcome back.
Anonymous said…
So very,very sorry to hear of your loss...having lost my husband of 52 yrs. only begins to help me know the loss of a child. There are no right just takes time.I am so thankfull that you are back to us with your expert advise. I count on you weekly. Thanks and God Bless you and your family
David C. Neal said…
I can only tell you that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband and extended family. I consider you an anonymous friend of mine, and I share your loss from afar. I am sure many of us out here do, such as the world is today.

I will be making a charitable contribution to my local childen's hospital in Caroline's name. It's all about I can do. She will never be forgotten.

(PS I even thought of your father last Saturday watching our helpless Wolverines and wishing he could do something from above to help the Maize and Blue!!)
Anonymous said…
Welcome back. I am sad for your loss and you and your family were in my prayers. I know that Caroline was loved and I am very happy that football season can bring you some joy as you deal with your grief.
Anonymous said…
I haven't been following your blog for long, but I wanted to express my thoughts and prayers for your family. No words can heal your pain, but please know you have a large online community offering their support.
The Hitchhiker said…
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The Hitchhiker said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Diane (HiDr) said…
So happy to see your post today. May blogging and football help you through your grief. Good luck with your fantasy teams.
MaryAnn LaRose said…
Football Librarian ~

You and Your Family and Your Dearest Caroline have our most deepest Love and Prayers . . .
There are no words of comfort to offer . . . I wish I was able to hug you and rock you in my arms.

Thank you for sharing your immense football wisdom with us once again.

Please try to Take Care of Yourself and Your Family . . . allow Yourself to be taken care of by those who Love and Cherish You.

Mike and MaryAnn
Anonymous said…
You are amazing for your commitment to the quiet strength you show in such adversity. I am sorry to learn of your loss. However, in the midst of your family tragedy, please find comfort in knowing that you have successfully strengthened another. Your words of, "gratitude for the chance to meet her," have made this non-believer consider the notion of his existentialism and will definitely be sure to look at tomorrow with new eyes. My condolences to you and your family and, on a lighter note…thanks for being my best investment opportunity in a sluggish economy :)
frogmister said…
I'm so sorry for you loss. My wife and I went through a similar experience and I've read your posts, and we've cried, and then we've hugged our kids...and everything else we can find. We appreciate your honesty. Its good to have you back and we'll keep the prayers coming.
Anonymous said…
I am so sorry for your loss. I am a father myself (1 year) and I love my little boy every day. I encourage you and husband to listen to Robert Rogers, which lost his wife and four children five years ago in a flash flood. He is a devout Christian;with a powerful message of love, hope, faith and living with no regrets. Thank you for all the help you have given me for fantasy football and I hope I return the favor by suggesting you hear Robert's story.
davinci78 said…
Welcome back Sarah.
Anonymous said…
We have all the time in the world for you, Sarah...
Kay said…
Welcome back. Like I said earlier, I'm so sorry for your loss but I think you're so brave to share your experience and be a resource to others. Thank you for the updates this week. I'll keep the prayers coming for you and your family.
Anonymous said…
Love to you, precious Caroline and your entire family.
kate said…
You are so brave and so amazing.
Joe K said…
Reading all of these comments has brought a tear to my eye. I have a 5 year old and a 2 1/2 year old and cannot imagine my life without them.

It is hard to imagine what you are going through and am really sorry for your loss. But please know that you have helped me (and probably a lot of other people) realize that maybe we should hug and kiss our kids a little more. Because you never know what will happen.

So thank you very much.
Oh my, you guys are seriously bringing tears to my eyes. Thank you all for your comments; I hardly feel like the strong, brave person you seem to be seeing (blubbering mess on the couch seems a bit more apt) so I appreciate the vote of confidence.

I am humbled by the immense losses that you have felt willing to share with me/us via comments and e-mail. Know that each and every one of you who has written to me about a loss in your own life has my thoughts and prayers, too.

@David: words cannot express my gratitude for your charity in Caroline's name. I promptly burst into tears upon reading your comment. Well upon reading a lot of these comments, let's be honest. I feel compelled to note that it's my grandfather not father who passed away and was such a Michigan fan (dad, if you're reading this, wanted to clarify you're most definitely just fine). Go Blue!

Thank you all.
Anonymous said…
Can't think of anything that hasn't been expressed already, but I'm sorry for your loss and I hope things will get better with time.
Anonymous said…
Welcome back and so sorry.
Anonymous said…
Again, very sorry for you loss and all you and your family have been through. As you say, family is the most important part of our lives, and sometimes we lose sight of that. I'm totally amazed you are back at this so soon after all you have been, and are still, going through. At any rate, welcome back, we all missed you, and your unbelievable upbeat attitude.
Unknown said…
Glad you are back. The season wouldn't be the same without ya!

Anonymous said…

Hey your a beautiful person, Hang in there. My bro went through a similar situation,its tough but always keep her in your heart. I Enjoy this site, glad to see you back on here, and I hope you enjoy the season and I will be looking forward to your links.

Sincerely, DC.
Anonymous said…
blessings & peace to you.
you are in mu prayers
Anonymous said…
You are an inspiration to us all. Thank you for having the courage to get back to writing the most informative and well written FF blog on the Web. My prays will remain with you and your family.
Anonymous said…
Thoughts and Prayers are with you and your family. I'm sorry for your loss.
Anonymous said…
I wish I could express my feelings by giving you a big hug. Instead I'll take your advice and hug everyone important to me this week. My wife and I are expecting our first child in few months and I think I'll spend some good time talking to her belly as well. My heart goes out to you and your family. I want to thank you for providing a such a wonderful resource for FF. Last season was my first. Your hard work helped me grow to love this stupid game. Be well.

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