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The FFLibrarian League is on!

Oh yeah, you read that post title correctly: the FFLibrarian League has arrived. I have already sent out an invitation with the league details to a handful of people that e-mailed me about joining in on the league fun, but there's still plenty of room. So if you are interested, e-mail me and I'll send you an invitation. I set it up for a live draft but am wondering if you guys have thoughts on this - would you all prefer a live draft (at the end of August) or an e-mail draft (could take a few weeks so we would need to start in early August)? Whatever the majority prefers will be our draft method.

In the meantime, my mock draft slowly rolls on and I really appreciate all the comments I've heard from you guys so far on the mock. I've got some great options lined up for my next pick - which way do you think I'll go: RB or WR?
  • Nearly an identical group of experts mock drafted in May - take a look at those results here if you're really interested in this mock draft thing.
  • More offensive line analysis is being cranked out by Ultimate Fantasy Football Strategy - take a look at the Pats, Jets and Bears.
  • FFToolbox has mobile cheatsheets for those who are making draft decisions on the go. I scoped it out on my iPhone and am digging it - looks good, easy to read, and as somebody who has had to make draft decisions far from my home laptop, I think this is a great idea.
  • FFToolbox also has an interesting Who Not to Keep list - while I do agree that a lot of these guys will underperform compared to previous years or teams, I would certainly keep a good chunk of them on my dynasty team.
  • I heart DeAngelo Williams - I think he's awesome, but CBS Sports reminds me to temper my expectations for him in 2009. Sigh, I'll do what I can but I think the guy is going to have another great season.
  • Sports Grumblings' Fire Sale: The King is Back includes a non-lovefest for Michael Jackson before getting into the meat of the article - players whose value is going up or down in 09. There's some unique analysis here, names you don't see quite as much mentioned, which I really appreciate.
  • Which 5 WRs will have 100+ receptions this season? Read's Five WRs who could be in 100 club in 09.


Peter said…
I haven't taken that close a look at who's left versus who will be there in round 4, but I think you've got to take a RB here in 3. I like Smith as a WR1 bettern than Turner as a RB1 (especially in PPR), so adding quality depth at RB should be your priority.

Of course, I think you know more about fantasy than I do, but them's my 2 cents.
Thanks Peter - I just added Wes Welker in the 3rd round (he's a great grab in a PPR league) largely because I don't think the quality of RB remaining will change very much before my next pick. But you're absolutely right, I need some quality depth at RB.
Peter said…
After looking at who had taken what, I was going to suggest Welker. Nice! He ought to have 100+ catches (unless Brady falls in love with Galloway) this year.

I think Huddle and Trader have the best teams (after two picks, which is very premature, I realize) because I love the Fitz-Portis combo (very safe) and the LT-Jennings combo (very high ceiling).

Sharks will have to prove themselves, as RB/QB/RB seems odd in a PPR draft. I'll give them credit for grabbing RBs with lots of receptions, but they'll need to find some exceptional value at WR, which should be tough in an expert draft.
Dmbosstone said…
Wow this league looks intense- 48 teams? How do you run things in this league?
There's room for up to 96 teams really! It won't be too intense, I promise. There will have to be different conferences so that each conference has their own draft and say Tom Brady could be owned in all conferences. I need to figure out how the champion is determined - that's TBD. But I think it will mostly feel like a normal head-to-head league to you all. You can compare your weekly points to everyone in the entire league, I believe, so there will be some overall points bragging that can happen...:)
Anonymous said…
I'd be interested in trying the email draft, as I've never done one like that before

Reams Reamers
Matt Calvey said…
Two points.

1) It would be far more exciting if there were 96 teams, all sharing from the same pool of players. Practice squad players would be #1RBs and 2/3 of the squads wouldn't be able to start a kicker or a defense, fantastic!

2) How is Wes Welker not a borderline 1st rounder in a PPR league? Back to back 100 catch seasons give a massive boost to a players value in a PPR league. Assume Calvin Johnson, for all his talent and size and whatnot, comes in at 80 catches, and Welker puts up 110. That is the equivalent of an extra 5 TD! Our league has a .25 PPR, and I am very excited about going after Welker. I think people are turned off by the "lack" of touchdowns, which are about as consistent as New England weather. Give me the guy that is targeted 10+ times a game, and you can have your TD flukes...
Peter said…
Dead on, Matt.

Targets for Welker are going to be more consistently high than TDs for anyone. I only played in one PPR league last year, and I reached almost a full round for Welker and got laughed at. But he was a great WR for me.
Peter said…
Alright, the Librarian is up. I vote she grabs 2 of these 3 with her next two: Grant, Ward, Wells. Grant is a strong runner, Ward is getting an opportunity and will catch 40-50 passes this year, and Wells has an outstanding schedule in weeks 14, 15 and 16. He'll be the starting back against terrible teams in the fantasy playoffs.

QB dropoff has occured, and she's got a really nice pair of receivers already.
Peter, I made my 4th round pick: Ryan Grant. Glad it passes muster! :)

And yes, I was very, very pleased to see Welker fall to me in the 3.04 spot.
Ryan said…
Look's like the scoring default settings at the FFLibrarian League, make it a PPR league?

Regarding your Experts Mock draft I've noticed three people out of twelve, are leaving a QB to the later rounds, specifically: (Jamey Eisenberg) (Rick Perkins) (Ken Zalis)

Jamey took 3 RBs & 3 WRs, and it still w/o a QB. Guess he's putting for a dark horse QB at this point.

Rick took a 3 RBs & an elite TE. At least Gates will be a full-time starter each week, compared to Jamey's extra bench of a RB & WR. I'm not so sure about one of Rick's RB starters though, Chris Wells for the Cardinals. It's a pass happy team w/ a pass blocking 0-Line. Wouldn't of McCoy for the Eagles at RB be a better risk, than Wells? Or a sure fire starter in Julius Jones taken one pick later by in the 6th round?

Ken Zalis is the 3rd person w/o a QB take yet. He took an elite TE Witten instead, which I think is a decent strategy given his options then. However he later took DeSean Jackson of the Eagles as a bench WR...who I also took in a non-PPR league last year. Just hard for me to see him improving, compared to his rookie season especially with the Eagles drafting Marlin at WR this year. I'm curious why a bench RB (or QB) wasn't taken instead of D. Jackson in the 6th round, considering Jonathan Stewart is a 2nd RB and he's got a foot problem currently; and Brian Westbrook has foot, ankle problems and just had off-season surgery for bone spurs. Whereas his WRs look more solid to my eyes: Andre Johnson & B. Marshall (yes, hip & all).

FFLibrarian, do you favor the Cowboys to win the NFC East this year? Romo & Felix Jones taken.... I ask bc. I just find it tough to see either the Eagles & the Giants losing the division crown to the Da'Boys.

Otherwise, FFlibrarian I like your picks of Wes Welker, Steve Smith at WR. Not so sure about Ryan Grant at RB, although the Packers I think are the favorites in the NFC North. The question is whether they'll continue to air the ball out, rather than run it?? All the Packer's forums have questions about their O-line depth and/or health, it's a question mark for Ryan Grant; but then again you took him in the 4th round.

Thomas Jones might of been another option, instead of Ryan Grant...but the Jets schedule next season is painfully tough as it stands now in my view. So I can see why you choose Grant over Jones in the 4-5th rounds.

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